Take a moment from any point in your life – this can range from last year, a few years ago, or from childhood— to think about a memory related to food. This memory can be related to eating or cooking a particular dish, dinner or meal or one specific food item.

In your answer, please include: the specific details of that memory (any taste, touch, smell, sound, location, who was involved, etc.), details about the food involved in this memory, and how it connects to your relationship with that dish or food item. Please share your story within the contact form below.  You have the choice of remaining anonymous.

All stories are welcome without judgement. If you have questions, you can share them using the contact form below.

Shanta Lee's potato, zucchini, and summer squash soup.

Need Ideas? 

You can share anything related to food and how it intersects with your relationship with it. It can be an uncomfortable memory or something happy. You may decide to share a memory about how a specific food or dish –either in preparing it or eating it— helped you to understand who you are as an individual or how it relates to your understanding of your culture, family, etc. You may share from any moment in your life when food or a particular dish (eaten or one that you cooked) shaped your relationship to yourself, your family/friends, and/or your relationship to that particular food or dish. Or share anything related to food and how it relates to your sense of identity.  Remember to include specific details of that memory (any taste, touch, smell, sound, location, who was involved, etc.), details about the food involved in this memory, and how it connects to your relationship with that dish or food item.

Again, you can choose to remain anonymous. Include your contact information if you wish to share an audio version of your story.

Thank you for sharing your story!

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